Sheetrock vs Drywall

Sheetrock vs Drywall: What’s the Difference and Which One is Better?

When constructing walls and ceilings in your home, drywall is likely the material you'll encounter. But you might also hear the term "Sheetrock" thrown around. Are they different? Which one should you use for your next project?

Drywall vs. Sheetrock: Understanding the Terminology

Drywall, also known as wallboard, plasterboard, or gypsum board, is a versatile building material. It's made of gypsum plaster sandwiched between thick paper sheets, offering a balance of affordability, ease of installation, and fire resistance. These qualities make it the go-to material for interior walls and ceilings.

On the other hand, sheetrock is a specific brand of drywall produced by the USG Corporation (US Gypsum).  It's a trusted name in the construction industry, known for its consistent quality and wide variety of drywall panel options. 

In 1902, the Sackett Plaster Company merged to create the United States Gypsum Company, now known as USG. A significant enhancement to the Sackett Board came in 1913, when they eliminated the two interior plies of paper, leaving a solid gypsum core and rebranding it as Adamant Board. Despite its modern drywall concept, sales were lackluster. USG sales representative D.L. Hunter proposed rebranding it as Sheetrock, which has since become a widely used term for drywall.

However, because of Sheetrock's long history and brand recognition, "drywall" and "Sheetrock" are often used interchangeably, especially in conversation.

So, what's the difference? Not much. If you see "Sheetrock" used, it simply refers to a specific brand of drywall. The two terms are often used interchangeably, especially in casual conversation.

The Distinctions Between Sheetrock and Generic Drywall

While Sheetrock is synonymous with drywall, the quality disparity between well-made and subpar drywall is significant. In the late 2000s, inferior drywall led to emissions, causing health issues and damaging infrastructure. The EPA traced these issues to Chinese-made drywall containing sulfur and other harmful chemicals. 

Although Sheetrock is often used interchangeably with drywall, opting for trusted brands ensures quality and reliability, safeguarding against potential issues associated with inferior products.

Choosing the Right Drywall/Sheetrock for Your Project

Now that we've cleared the air about terminology let's delve into the different types of drywall/Sheetrock available to suit your project needs:

  • Standard Drywall: This is the most common type and is suitable for most interior walls and ceilings in low-moisture areas.
  • Moisture-Resistant Drywall: As the name suggests, this type is ideal for bathrooms, laundry rooms, or any area prone to moisture exposure. It has a water-resistant green paper face.
  • Mold-Resistant Drywall: This drywall offers enhanced protection against mold growth in damp environments.
  • Fire-Resistant Drywall: Fire-resistant drywall provides a crucial safety barrier for areas requiring additional fire protection, such as around fireplaces or garages.
  • Soundproof Drywall: Looking to dampen noise between rooms? Soundproof drywall panels, often called QuietRock, can significantly reduce sound transmission.

Factors to Consider Beyond Brand

While Sheetrock is well-known, many reputable drywall manufacturers offer various product lines. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing drywall for your project:

  • Thickness: Drywall comes in different thicknesses, typically measured in eighths of an inch (e.g., ½", ¾," or 5/8"). The appropriate thickness depends on the application and desired level of strength and soundproofing.
  • Size: Drywall panels come in standard sizes, typically 4' x 8' or 4' x 12'. Choosing the right size can minimize cutting and material waste.
  • Cost: Drywall prices can differ depending on the type (standard, moisture-resistant, etc.), thickness, and brand.

Drywall vs. Lath and Plaster: A Look at Alternatives

While drywall reigns supreme in modern construction, traditional lath and plaster walls still exist in older homes. Lath and plaster involves applying a wet plaster mixture over a wooden slat frame. While offering superior soundproofing and fire resistance, it's more expensive, time-consuming, and labor-intensive than drywall installation.

Final Thoughts: Sheetrock vs. Drywall

When it comes to Sheetrock vs., The main difference between drywall and drywall boils down to brand. Sheetrock is a high-quality brand of drywall, but many other reliable manufacturers offer drywall suited for various applications. When choosing the right type of drywall, consider the specific needs of your project, such as moisture resistance, fire safety, or soundproofing.

Are you looking for the perfect solution for your Sheetrock needs? Look no further than PatchitUP! As a trusted provider, we offer top-quality drywall options tailored to your project requirements.


Q. Is Sheetrock always better than drywall?

A. Not necessarily! Sheetrock is a trusted brand, but many other manufacturers offer high-quality drywall. The best choice depends on your project requirements and budget.

Q. What are the different types of drywall available?

A. Besides standard drywall, there are various drywall types, including moisture-resistant, mold-resistant, fire-resistant, and soundproof options. Choose the one that best addresses your specific needs.

Q. What's the difference between drywall thickness options?

A. Drywall thickness impacts strength and soundproofing. Half-inch drywall is standard for most walls, while thicker options offer more durability and noise reduction.

Q. Is drywall a good soundproofing solution?

A. Standard drywall offers some soundproofing, but consider soundproof drywall panels specifically designed to dampen noise transmission between rooms for significant noise reduction.